Welcome To The Taylor Group of Companies
Design & Simulation Analysis - Computer Aided Engineering

At your location or Ours - You Choose!

The Taylor Group is a leading provider of Engineering CAE Consulting Services: Finite Element Analysis, Computational Fluid Dynamics, Monte Carlo Simulations, Mechanical Design, Electrical Design, and Custom Software Development .

We focus on using popular Open Source Software Tools but can support most commercial CAE and CAD software including CAE tools like Catia, UG,  Solidworks, Pro-engineer, Inventor, Solid Edge and a host of Simulation FEA/CFD tools our clients use.

Software is just a tool, our strength is the Subject Matter Expertise we provide with most of our Analysts and Designers having 20 years plus of experience.

Our Mantra is “Design by Simulation!” Today, with computer technology you can eliminate expensive R&D, prototyping and physical testing through complex simulation analysis in tandem with subject matter experts to interpret the results presenting informed Engineering Reports.

This results in an immediate ROI because proven Computer simulations matched with informed engineers are much less expensive than physical testing or building/fabricating before simulating to find out later the design was missing something critical-resulting in thousands of dollars in additional costs. We utilize Engineers with advanced degrees and a minimum of 20 plus years of experience.

All OUR WORK IS GUARANTEED!  If you are not happy with any design or analysis, we will perform the work again free of charge!  

We have substantial FEA, CFD, VSA, Design and CAD/CAM expertise in the following areas:

  • Aerospace & Space Design

  • Automotive

  • Energy/Water/Waste Water

  • Nuclear

  • Controls Engineering/Arc Flash & Infrared Studies

  • Material Handling & Special Purpose Equipment

  • Heavy Equipment

  • Medical

  • Construction

  • Electromagnetic Studies


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